how to make money online


How to earn money online without investment

There are two categories to make money online.
  1. Earn money with skill
  2. Earn money without skill

1. Earn money with skill

If you have any skill like writing, art, programming, singing, songwriting, logo designing, video editing, article writing, photo editing, graphics designing etc. then you have many options to earn money online but this is important that you should have patience because sometime you will get your order immediately but sometime you will not get any order in a month or so far. There are many websites where you can show your skills and earn money. (how to make money online)


Fiverr is the most popular freelancing site where you can make your account and then upload your gig in which you will explain yourself with your skills like web developer or anything.

fiverr, How to earn money online without investment,


This is the most popular freelancing site too where you can serve your services of any type you want. Just go to that site and register an account and start earning.

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This is also the most popular freelancing site where the company posts their work and you can apply for that work. (how to make money online)

freelancer, How to earn money online without investment,


This is the most popular and best site for designers. If you have the skill of designing a logo, business card, graphics, wallpaper, t-shirt etc. This site is for you. There are many alternatives for these sites like,,, pangara etc.

design crowd, How to earn money online without investment,


If you have any type of talent like comedy, experience, knowledge, gaming etc. you can share that on the platform named youtube. For that, you just need a smartphone camera and a video editor and a peaceful place. Many people become famous and their earnings are huge.

2. Earn money without skill

If you don't have any skills still you can earn with your hobbies like gaming. If you are good at gaming and made unbreakable records in-game then you can earn a lot you think. 

You can make a YouTube channel and start uploading your gameplay. Otherwise, many application is there on the internet in which you can play tournaments and earn money like MPL(Mobile Premier league), Winzo Gold, etc.
It launches many pubg tournaments and its prizes are really good.

You can support me with little money. My payment UPI id is 8839898858@paytm or you can bank transfer Ac. no. 919993153038  IFSC  PYTM0123456  Name  Aditya Narayan Soni


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