Dynamic lock feature in windows 10


Smart lock feature in windows

Windows 10 users have the best feature to protect their computer and its data from others.
This feature called Dynamic lock feature.

How dynamic lock feature works?

Work of this feature is very simple, your computer will connect to your mobile with Bluetooth and when you will go far from your computer with your mobile the Bluetooth will be disconnected because it will be out of coverage of Bluetooth system so that your computer will be signed out and ask for sign in the password again.

How to protect your computer using dynamic lock?

It very simple to use dynamic lock system.
below these step will show you how to enable dynamic lock system in your computer:

Step 1:

first, open your Bluetooth in mobile and laptop and pair both devices.

Dynamic lock feature in windows 10
Dynamic lock feature in windows 10
Dynamic lock feature in windows 10

Dynamic lock feature in windows 10

Dynamic lock feature in windows 10

Step 2:

Now open settings in your computer and then open accounts in the setting.
Dynamic lock feature in windows 10

Step 3:

In the accounts open sign-in option and scroll down you will see the dynamic lock system 
below picture password.
Dynamic lock feature in windows 10

Step 4:

Click to allow the dynamic lock and it will auto-connect to your mobile device.
note: make sure your mobile is already connected to your computer.

Dynamic lock feature in windows 10

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