How to open blocked websites easily in computer


How to open blocked websites easily

In a computer, you can open blocked websites easily using the VPN extension.
So let's get started that how to use VPN extension.
First, look at how the blocked site looks like

How to open blocked websites easily in computer, open blocked website, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

1. Open Google Chrome and click to the upper left side in the 3 verticle dots like shown below in the image

How to open blocked websites easily in computer, open blocked website, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

2. click to the Settings option

How to open blocked websites easily in computer, open blocked website, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

3. In the settings page click to the Extension 

How to open blocked websites easily in computer, open blocked website, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

4. In the extension, page click to the get more extensions

How to open blocked websites easily in computer, open blocked website, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

5. Now search for ZPN in the search box under extension page

How to open blocked websites easily in computer, open blocked website, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

6. Add the extension look like below in the image

How to open blocked websites easily in computer, open blocked website, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

7. A dialogue box will show, You just click to the Add extension option. Then your extension will be downloading.
How to open blocked websites easily in computer, open blocked website, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

8. After that, the extension will be shown in the upper left side before that 3 dots

How to open blocked websites easily in computer, open blocked website, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

9. You can also see which country network you are using to access the block site.

How to open blocked websites easily in computer, open blocked website, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni


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