How to block any site in your computer


Block any website on your computer 

So you have a computer and you need that no one can open some sites from your computer via the internet. I will show you the best way to do this.

First, you need to install an application on your computer named Brackets editor.
to install click here
Then open the file explorer and go to the c drive and open windows file then search system32 file and open it then search drivers file and open it then search etc file and open it here you see hosts file. 
location is shown below in the picture

How to block any site in your computer, Block any site, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

Now open hosts file using brackets editor that you installed earlier.
A window will be shown below in the picture.

How to block any site in your computer, Block any site, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

How to block any site in your computer, Block any site, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

Then type your computer IP address and then press the tab button and type the site name like and save that file.

How to block any site in your computer, Block any site, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

Now try to open the Facebook in your google chrome or another internet explorer the site will not be open.


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