what is visual basic? Best site to learn visual basic


1. What is Visual Basic?

Ans. Visual Basic (VB) is a well-known programming language created and developed by Microsoft. VB is characterized by its simple format, which is easy to understand. Beginning programmers often consider VB the starting point in software development.

It provides a graphical user interface (GUI) where we can make applications and more programs using our imagination. We can also make a CUI (Console User Interface) based program.

An interface of Visual Basic code editor 

what is visual basic? Best site to learn visual basic, smart learning, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

2. Evolution of Visual Basic ->

Visual Basic is derived from BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) language which is invented in 1964, John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz designed the original BASIC language at Dartmouth College. Its keywords were user-readable and are in Capital later. And BASIC is derived from FORTRAN language, there are many keywords which are in both BASIC and FORTRAN. FORTRAN was originally developed by IBM in 1950 for scientific and engineering applications. At 1991 Visual Basic 1.0 was introduced. The drag and drop creating the user interface from a prototype form generator developed by Alan Cooper with his company called Tripod. Microsoft buys this language and upgrades it in many versions. Then more version of visual basic come like visual basic 2.0, visual basic 3.0, visual basic 4.0, visual basic 5.0, visual basic 6.0. After that Visual Basic.Net was introduced from the company Microsoft. 

3. Best site to learn Visual Basic

As we know Visual Basic is now owned by the Microsoft company so, Microsoft has launched a learning platform named MVA (Microsoft Virtual Academy). It is a free learning platform where you can learn many languages like SQL, HTML5, Visual Basic, Web Development, App development, and many more.

Official site: Microsoft Virtual Academy

Learning interface: 

what is visual basic? Best site to learn visual basic, smart learning, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

what is visual basic? Best site to learn visual basic, smart learning, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni


If you are a good learner you can also learn with vbtutor.net site. All learning matters are written by Dr. Liew in a straightforward manner for ease of learning. In addition, he also runs tutorials on JavaScriptjQueryblockchain, and HTML&CSS.

Official site: https://www.vbtutor.net 

You can also learn VB.net using this website.

There are many other sites like Udemy and many others to learn this language.