Best JavaScript tutorial for free


Best JavaScript tutorial for free 

Do you want to learn JavaScript ? and finding some free site to learn. Yes, you came the right way I have provided some best site which helps you to learn JavaScript absolutely free.

These are the sites I recommended for you:


This is the biggest learning platform where you can learn about making web and games using JavaScript. It provides a coding platform where you can practice what you learn.
Also, you can learn full web development on this site. Learn with videos. It provides a real-time coding environment to practice.
So without time-wasting just go into this site and sign up and start learning.

Site link : KhanAcademy

Best JavaScript tutorial for free, smart learning, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

Become a beginner to expert.
W3Schools is the best site to learn JavaScript and other web developing languages. It provides tutorials using text, not in videos. If you want documentation for web developing languages you can also use it. This includes all keywords and codes of the languages.
This site includes tutorials for languages like XML, JavaScript, HTML, Python, etc.
You can learn on either computer or in Mobile. It has a mobile app of this tutorial site.

Site link:

App link: W3Schools

Best JavaScript tutorial for free, smart learning, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

Best JavaScript tutorial for free, smart learning, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni


This site is for beginners to learn computer science and coding. In this site, you can learn JavaScript, HTML, Python, JQuery, and CSS. This provides video tutorials to learn to code. 
Also, provide a coding platform in real-time output.

Site link: CodeCombat

Best JavaScript tutorial for free, smart learning, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

Best JavaScript tutorial for free, smart learning, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni


SoloLearn is also the best site to learn JavaScript online you can learn with this site, make your own projects, and publish your project to get the opinion of professionals. This site includes courses and a quiz on that. This site has its own code editor which you can use online on the site and make your own programs. This site is available in both ios and android. 

Site link:
Android app link: SoloLearn
IOS app link: SoloLearn

Best JavaScript tutorial for free, smart learning, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

Best JavaScript tutorial for free, smart learning, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

I have mentioned some of the best learning sites for JavaScript. Use this site to teach yourself.

Note: If you find any site but don't have information about that please comment down

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