Internet Speed Explained in details


Internet Speed

Your internet service provider provides up to 10 or 20 Mbps and you are thinking that you are getting 10 or 20 MBps but you need to know about what is the difference between Mbps and MBps. 
So, Mbps = Megabit per second 
and MBps = Megabyte per second 

You also need to know that 8Mbps = 1MBps

Internet service providers measure the speed in Mbps and our mobile or computer browser measures the speed in MBps. So, don't be confused between the Mbps and MBps.

If your service provider provides 20Mbps then you just divide it with 8 and you will get your net speed in MBps that is 2.5MBps.
I was testing my Airtel internet speed in hotspot see this image below.

Internet Speed Explained in details, internet speed, computerpry, computer pry, aditya narayan soni

In this image, we have got that the download speed and upload speed.
The download is what data we take from the internet. The Upload is what data we give to the internet. 

#InternetSpeed #JIO #Airtel #Speed

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